Early Years

Early Years | Preschool

The Hughes Preschool has a National Quality Framework rating of Exceeding. We offer 15 hours of preschool for children turning four before the end of April of the year of enrolment.

The preschool class, while located on Kent street, is the first class of Hughes Primary School and the children are included in all experiences and special events. Children are central to everything at our Preschool. Their ideas, experiences and passion for learning are supported and extended through creative, fun, challenging and safe explorations and investigations

The aim of Hughes Preschool is to create and maintain a warm, positive learning environment where staff, children and parents are engaged in developing cooperative relationships, abilities and skills of the children to the extent and the extension of their capabilities.

In acknowledging this connection between our preschool and kindergarten, our early years educators have built on this philosophy to learning to incorporate both our school's vision statement and the principles form the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum.

We build secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships with all members of the community. We welcome all families and value the uniqueness that each child brings

We develop partnerships with families that support the learning and development of all children. Our aim is to create a welcoming and culturally inclusive environment and are committed to knowing and valuing all families;

We strive for high expectations and equity for all. We value play based learning as the avenue in which children connect with each other and learn; Our central focus and is a commitment to providing a high quality, child centred program where each child is given opportunities to explore, investigate and extend their knowledge and skills;

We embrace respect for diversity in our learning community. We recognise that all children are unique and bring a diverse range of experiences, interests and strengths;

We enhance the learning and development of all children by engaging in ongoing learning and reflective practice. We enable students to extend their knowledge and skills through a variety of play based activities as part of a group or as an individual.

Enrolments | Preschool

Preschool is provided for all four year old children in the year before they attend school. Children must turn four by the 30th April to be eligible to attend.

To learn more about this process, please visit our Enrolment page.