Kindergarten to Year 6

Kindergarten to Year 6

We are committed to work alongside our community to ensure that your child has a successful start to each school year.

We take enormous pride in celebrating achievements of students, teachers and parents/carers. We believe that positive, authentic recognition of a job well done is of paramount importance to growing a positive self-image. We offer students a variety of academic challenges, leadership opportunities, sporting pursuits, artistic avenues and service learning – the essence of giving back.

Our team of committed teachers provide educational programs across the school that are collaborative and rigorous, showing clear evidence of highly developed skills, and evidenced based best practices. Each teacher adds their own "magic and spark" to their class. All staff undertake regular professional development and many professional conversations shape the direction of this synergistic school.

We believe being united in this approach will add deep value to raising student outcomes and confident learners who appreciate a challenge.

Getting involved

There are great opportunities for students to participate in all that we have to on offer. Please contact our school front office staff directly, or via email, to further assist you to become involved with supporting programmes on offer that broaden your child's experience at Hughes Primary School.

Enrolments | Kindergarten

Children who are enrolling in an ACT public primary school for the first time at Kindergarten must be five years of age on or before 30 April of the current year.

To learn more about this process, please visit our Enrolment page.